<aside> 🔥 The easiest way to install our tools is by using our manager app. It can install and license and update all your tools in one click!


If you prefer to install manually please refer to these instructions:

1. Put in Ustav.jsxbin to Script UI Panels folder

Scripts with dockable/embeddable UI's are installed in the ScriptUI Panels folder and run from the Window menu in After Effects.  Most scripts on this site have dockable panels.


C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects (version)\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels


/Applications/Adobe After Effects (version)/Scripts/ScriptUI Panels

Video tutorial How to install and run dockable scripts in After Effects

2. Set Expressions Engine to Javascript


Next you must go to File → Project settings → Expressions and set Expressions Engine to JavaScript

<aside> ⚠️ We guarantee that all functions work in the After Effects 2020 17.7.0 and higher.

Versions older than 17.7.0 may not work.


<aside> 💡 If you have any issues, open a support ticket.
